This is pretty exciting for me!!
I reach my Goal weight today and now go on Maintenance for 6 weeks.
Even after that lovely retreat..I guess I WAS a good girl and watched my portions
My friend Christin has convinced me to work on the Nordic Angel that was in the very, very, very ,bottom of my stitching bag.
I just don't know how she ended up there....... Hmmmm maybe all of those starts got in the way.
Anyway she's back out and I put a lot of back stitching in her wings and sash.
She is back in rotation.
Have a great day and stitch with happy fingers!
Congrats! That's so exciting! And Nordic Angel looks great!
Your angel is gorgeous :)
And YIPPEE SKIPPY on reaching your goal weight...I hope someday to announce the same thing. Congratulations!
Isn't it funny how some pieces get to the bottom of the pile. She is stunning. I love this set of Angels.
Congratulations on reaching your goal weight.
Congrats Beatrice!! That is very exciting news!
So glad to see Nordic Angel again:)
Congrats on reaching your goal weight. I know how daunting weight loss can be.
Congratulations on reaching your weight goal!
It's so good that you have rescued this wonderful angel from being neglected and forgotten. She's too beautiful to deserve this, lol.
That is AWESOME news! Congrats on reaching your goal. Your angel looks lovely....see you soon, I HOPE!
Congrats for your weight loss!! It seems everybody manage to do it except me ... :-(( It starts to get me depressed.
It's great the Nordic angel is back again: I love the colors on her ;-)
Congrats on your weight reach!!
Love your Nordic Angel, it really looks great.
Groetjes, Wendy ;)
That is wonderful and so is your beautiful stitching. She is beautiful.
I am so pleased to see this one come out again as I just love it.
Congratulations on achieving your goal in the weight department.
Woooo Hoooo! Yay Beatrice!!! That is awesome that you reached your goal weight you must be just so proud!!!!! I'm proud of you!
Nordic angel is looking pretty keep working at her!
Congrats on meeting your weight goal! And I remember your beautiful Nordic Angel, and I am so glad you are going to stitch on her again.
Hi Beatrice,
Congrats on reaching your goal
weight!!! That is fantastic!!
As someone who is just tentatively
embarking down that long and
intimidating road I can surely
appreciate the challenges and the
will power required to achieve
that success.
How lovely to see Nordic Angel
back and getting some loving
and attention. She is a beauty
and really deserves to be
finished and shown off.
The stitching retreat looks
like it was a blast. And the
food!!!! Oh my. Your pictures
had me drooling on my keyboard,
and on the cat sleeping in my
arms...she didn't appreciate
that I'm afraid. Lol! Someday
I will get to one of those
things....but it's a long trip
to Brighton from here.
Oh Beatrice!! How I would have
loved to have attended one of
the performances at the Empire
Theatre that you participated
in a few weeks ago. I love the
music of both Phantom and Les
Miserables and would have so
enjoyed that show. And lucky
you to get to sing all that
incredible music. I sing it
too, but only when safely within
the confines of my own home,
and without witnesses save for
the cats, who have the good
grace not to laugh...or cry
while I'm warbling away!
Hope you had a great weekend.
Saturday was gorgeous and sunny
here. Today, not so much.
Congratulations on the weight loss. Your Nordic angel is just beautiful! She looks very close to a finish too.
Hugs ~
Congrats on reaching your goal! And best wishes for your 6 weeks of maintenance! You can do it!
Congratulations on reaching goal, that's fantastic. Good luck with the maintence program, you've done so good I'm sure you'll do fine with that as well. Angel is looking so pretty, glad to see she's out and being worked on. Fun earlier pictures of the retreat too, looks like a wonderful time.
Congratulations, Beatrice! You're braver than I am ... How nice to see your angel again!
Groetjes uit Holland & hugs, Carolien
Congratulations on the weight loss, Beatrice. And your angel is looking beautiful.
Gefeliciteerd met het behalen van je streefgewicht ! Knap gedaan !!
Het zal zeker niet gemakkelijk geweest zijn.
Groetjes uit Limburg.
Congrats Beatrice on reaching your goal weight!!
I'm so happy to see Nordic Angel again. I've missed her!
Such a beautifull work at the bottom of your stitching bag, a shame
Hallo Beatrice,
Ik wens je hele fijne Paasdagen !!!
Vind je het goed , dat ik je link ???
Groetjes van Thea
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