The one thing I must say...
Dan and Ann "THANK YOU" so much for putting this great weekend together,
Dan is a fantastic Chef and Ann is the hostess with the Mostess! OK that was 2 things!

We had 4 ladies celebrating their Birthday within a couple of weeks of one another.
So I had a cake made for them!

I did a lot of stitching ,eating and catching up with stitching friends from near and far.
It was wonderful to see everyone!!

This week I will be catching up on my blogging and reading. We were without internet for 4 days and then I was away. So I will read as many as I can and comment as I catch up!
Have a great week and
Stitch with happy fingers.
Looks like you all had way too much fun!!
That cake is soooo cute. I love the x's all around it. What a good idea and I bet it was yummy too. Your stitching is coming along great.
Have a good day.
Oh, what a fun weekend. Everything looks wonderful. Your stitching projects are coming right along. Wish I could have been there. Hehe.
What a fun time.
It's almost lunch time and you show that plate of delicious food, I am now famished,lol
The cake is creative.
The WIP's are looking wonderful.
How fun this looks! I must say that food looks fabulous as does the desserts and cake. It is making me hungry and I have to wait as Jos is working late tonight but we want to eat together regardless. Hey...did you just hear my tummy growl? LOL! That was your camera's fault. Your stitching is coming along nicely.
Hugs ~
Mmmm looks great, hungry now!
Great stitching too :)
Dan and I both thank you for the lovely comments. It was a good time wasn't it?
It was wonderful to see you! I had a great time.
But now my question is: where is Nordic angel and is it done yet???
What more could you want - a great weekend with friends and lots of stitching to boot.
Great progress on PL I think you will soon be Happy Dancing with this one.
Love the cake Beatrice, it looks great. It must have been wonderful singing music from The Phantom and Les Mis, two of my favourite productions.
What fun, what fun! Looks like it was a fantastic time! Stitching looks wonderful!
Looks like you all had lots of fun! The food and dessert looks so delicious,mmm! That must be wonderful to spent some days with some stitching friends. I would love to do that too!
From the pictures it can be seen that you were having an absolutely great time. Must have been so much fun, the stitching, the food, the birthday cake and the being together.
Hello Beatrice,
That must have been a pleasant time together! (Happy birthday everyone!) And your cake looks so delicious!!!
Your stitches are coming along nicely, eating cake does help, doesn't it?! :)
Groetjes uit Holland, Carolien
Hallo, via Wendy kom ik op je blog terecht.Ik las dat je geboren bent in Nederland. Kun je Nederlands lezen ??
Niet zeker, maar dat hoor ik wel.
Groetjes van Thea uit Nederland.
Thanks for the link to the choir blog, loved the photos, I'll have to check back later on.
Hallo Beatrice, leuk dat je meteen antwoord !! Je reactie is goed te lezen, hoor !! Je mag in het Nederlands en Engels door elkaar doen!! Ik probeer het wel te ontcijferen, en anders vraag ik het wel na.
Ik woon ook in Limburg....maar dan in Midden-Limburg !!
Mijn ouders en mijn broers en zussen hebben ook in Grubbenvorst gewoond,net voor dat ik geboren werd zijn ze verhuisd naar Helden-Grashoek !! Toeval ???
Ik heb geen antwoord gehad, of je Nederlands kunt lezen, anders moeten we op Engels overstappen. Maar dat is realy bad !!!
Ik zag allemaal handwerk dingen, misschien vind je mijn andere blog...Crea by Thea....dan leuker ???
Groetjes en tot gauw !!
van Thea
I was so sorry I had to work this weekend and couldn't join all of you. I tried not to think about it lest I turn green with envy, lol!!!
It sure looks like everyone had a marvellous time.
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