Judy...... Ann

Ann..... Burk.......
Anne...... Ken

Sharon...... Me
Well I promised some photos so here they are.
I picked a few to try to cover everyone. There were thirteen of us and the two gentlemen are the owner of the Butler Creek B&B. They are wonderful hosts and we were given full reign of the house. Butler Creek has been sold and we will miss them. Now we'll look for something new...AWWWW.
We had hor'durves in the evening on Friday prepared by 3 of the ladies and then stitched until midnight .
Saturday we had A beautiful breakfast and stitched.

Lunch..most of us are in the photo
Lunch was at
Knowledge and Needles...Ann hosted...And her DH Dan prepared the lovely lunch for us. He did a great job and served it at the table so we all ate at once. It was a lovely hot meal with all the trimmings.
After spending some time and money in Ann neat little store we were off again to do some stitching.
We all brought food for a Pot luck and ate again...Ohhh the food was so goooood.
Later we had a great 7layer dip with nachos that one of the girls brought so we ate again! Are you getting the picture, eat... stitch... eat... stitch...eat. " Very little sleep "I think it was1:30pm before we went to bed again.
Sunday morning another breakfast and stitched 'til noon.
We were ready to go. Some people had a ways to travel so we said our farewells and were off.
I did get a lot of stitching done on Lucky which I will share.



I love how it is looking.
Thanks to you all for letting me share our great weekend!