I went to Micheal's and bought 6 cubes (@ 40% off each) for my stitching things...the cubes come in a box and you have to build them. each one took about an hour...not hard to do just time consuming building all the drawers.Yikes Good thing I like baseball.It was easy to listen to while I built!
Now I have to sort through my things and fill the shelves and drawers.
I love the way they look!
On Sunday I was involved with singing in the park in Picton On.
I took my Mom with me so we would have an audiance..surprise.. there were at least 150 people there. NICE!
Doesn't Mom look great? Her birthday is in 3 weeks she'll be 94.
Some photo's to share with you.

Not much stitching this week, only the CdC and I'll show it next time.
Have a good week and stitch with happy fingers.!