Last week, Christine of Coffee cup thoughts drew my name and sent me this wonderful calendar as a gift.
It is the cutest. Each month has a chart and little saying to stitch up.
There are some sweet ones!
THANK YOU so much Christine...I LOVE IT!!!!
I did get some stitching done on the weekend . I will show it later this week.
I just needed to share this with you!
Take care and,
Stitch with happy fingers!
That really is cute!
Hey, B,. congratulations on your drawing. The prize looks wonderful.
Nice to hear from Christine and to get a gift as well!!
The bread looked good in your e-mail. I guess the stove is working well.
Hi Beatrice,
What a lovely gift to receive.
These stitching calendars are
so much fun when there are
different designs for each
month. And these are all so
Your Album of Stitches is
giving you a great opportunity
to not only learn new stitches
but also to get a great deal
of practice in stitching them.
This is a lovely shade of mauve/
purple that you're stitching
with right now.
Wow! You've made quite a bit
of progress on your HAED piece.
Lovely swirls of blue. Is that
a tail??? Mist??
And your White Christmas lady
is so beautiful, even without
her jewels. Love how the shades
of colour come together to add
depth and realism to her.
Another storm coming tomorrow.
But I'm on vacation and will
remain snug and comfy indoors
for the duration. Hope you will
be able to do the same.
Oh, Beatrice, this is a great gift from the drawing. Very nice from Christine.
Now that is a great gift! I wish someone would come out with more stitching/calendars like that!
That is a great gift. I like the Feb. design. Happy stitching.
Thanks for the compliment!
The link is written on the wallpaper itself near the top of the blog; it says "cutest blog on the block.com", it is camouflaged somewhat by the wallpaper. Just click on those words.
So cute!! What a fun little calendar!
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