This is why.....

I've been working on it...hard to believe how small the stitches are...25ct over 1.
This 1/3 of page 1...only 44&2/3 to go.

This little lady has had most of my attention on the weekend. She is so much fun to do.
Now I must say I have been very selfish and not s[ent so much time on the computer. When I do that I get lots of stitching done. I found I was on too many hours and wasn't getting much else done so I've cut back on that a bit.
So I'm reading many blogs but not always taking the time to comment..SORRRRRY. I'll try and do better.
I'm also practicing 3 times a week for choirs and also working on the music at home. I seem to have less time now then I did when I was working...hmmm maybe I managed my time better then. I seem to put things off so I can stitch. ???? Am I addicted ???? do I need help??? NOT!
Your lady is coming to life. I love her. I don't think I could stitch on black yet. I am too new at it.
Everything is coming right along. Happy singing too.
I just love your lady !!!!
I too spend too much on the computer which is a habit I try to cut ... hard but necessary ...
I think after working for so long you are entitled to spend LOTS of time stitching...never feel guilty for doing what you love.
All your stitching looks lovely - BTW
Your WIPs all look amazing. And I see you have jumped in and joined the HAED bandwagon. Ice Dragon King is a beautiful choice.
es you are addicted but is that a problem????
I too managed my time way better when I worked but heck...now I am not working and who cares how I manage it?
The weather is Florida has been fabulous. I have not done much stitching but I have been working diligently on my inventory with all the new stuff (over 300 charts) and trying to get stuff on the website. That little effort has been plagued with problems...dial-up is painfully slow...the house has high speed but it works sporadically...oh well...I am on holiday and the Dsytona 500 is on Sunday... It has been 80 F every day...life is good...
Oooh Beatrice you are just so productive! You've gotten so much done on all your projects!
Great progres! I know the problem too, I do spent also lots of ours on the computer and watching those wonderful blogs, but indeed you can do a lot of stitching in the meantime! But I have to admit, I'm addicted to blogging to, it is so wonderful to meet so nice online friends!
Oh, just enjoy everything you do and don't worry about the computer! It looks like you need all the time you can get, with HUGE monster of a project you have on the go! How many pages, did you say? 45! [GASP]
White Christmas looks fantastic!
I've cut back some on my blogging as well which is why you haven't heard much from me lately. Not that I'm getting more stitching done, I seem to be reading more lately instead.
45 pages of Ice King Dragon, now this is a project for a life time, it seems. Yes, so many tiny stitches. I always click on a HAED project to see the little stitches and it's really amazing how tiny they are. And when you see the overall impression it's even more amazing ...
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