I don't intend to be seen wearing this in public but a friend of mine is going to. The lights aren't working so my DH is trying to fix them.
This is going to be a part of our extra little Coral group that will be singing at my Mom's retirement home...We will be Caroling for them on the 16th and one of our brave singers will be dressed in this Tree costume. I love it!!!!.... what a hoot!

This is a update on my bit of stitching I've done on the album of stitches page 2.
Not much yet but it is pretty. This is actually black as you know it doesn't photograph well.
With all of the singing and the decorating I seem to have lost time to stitch. Also a bit of secret stitching going on!!!
Off to rehearsal tonight so farewell and stitch with happy fingers!
You look gorgeous Beatrice. The album of stitches is coming along nicely.
I love the tree costume. You look great in green.
AoS is looking great.
That outfit is great! I did laugh!
Hey, you look very cute as a tree. The piece your are stitching is really beautiful. It will be fun to see the progress.
How fun, Beatrice!! Love the costume:) Great idea to include in the caroling!!
Great progress on your album of stitches. Can't wait to see more!
What fun! I haven't gone carolling in years and the tree costume is great for it. I know what you mean about no stitching time. One of our performances is this coming Sunday afternoon. I'm never home much now.
Your Christmas flips look fantastic too!
You look marvelous. Not everyone can wear a tree so well. ;-)
LOL what a great tree costume. I bet the oldies at the retirement home will have a good chuckle when they see it. :-)
Love Bette's comment...she is so right...not everyone can wear a tree!!!
LOL I LOVE the costume!
Your Mom is just going to LOVE the show you're going to put on!
O, I would love to wear that too! :) How nice you will sing in the house for the elderly. Our parish choir did this right this morning and the people just love to sing the songs together!
Have a great weekend & groetjes uit Holland, Carolien
That's a gorgeous costume, Beatrice. Green really becomes you LOL!
Very cute! Did you have fun caroling? I could never see the stitching on that color fabric. My hat is off to you as it doesn't look like a small project again either. You are amazing.
Christmas hugs ~
Hi Beatrice,
Well, don't you look ... erm...
adorable..yes...that's it...
Love the tree costume!!!
Especially the hat (??) part on your head. The seniors are going
to love it! Brave soul, whoever
is going to wear it in public.
It's a busy time of year for
choirs. My DH and his church
choir performed the cantata
that they've been working hard
on for lo these many months
last Sunday evening and it was wonderful!!
Did you enjoy the wonderful snow
fall that we received today???
What a day!! I left work at 2:30
and didn't get home until 6:50.
Some of the drifting snow was up
to my knees, which made running
for the bus a bit awkward. I was
so glad to get home and thaw out.
And there's more snow on the way
for Sunday!!!
Your album of stitches is looking
fantastic. When you tackle a
new type of stitch for the first
time do you practice it first on
scrap fabric???
Have a great weekend!!
That's a cute costume! How did the singing go? Album of Stitches is looking great!
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