Remember the tree costume? Well this is what we did with it. Carol a friend of mine joined in singing Christmas carols at the retirement home where my Mom lives we had a ball and the folks loved it. She pranced around in her tree for the first bit and we sang O Christmas Tree....How cool is that?

While she went to change we sang a medley of Carols, and had all of the residents singing there hearts out.

About 4 years ago I decided to try some Swedish weaving...whoops I ran out of yarn. I couldn't find any so I left it forgotten. One day I decided to try and find the yarn and only found some on eBay after much looking and waiting .We bought 8 balls of it on eBay and 4 weeks later we still didn't get it so my DH got in touch with the lady who sold it to us and promptly credited our card.....but no yarn. It was no longer available in any store even the company no longer made that colour. So once again left and forgotten. Then one day Terry was looking in a magazine rack that had some old papers in it and lo and behold a Walmart bag with 2 balls of yarn that I had purchased at the time. I DID buy 3 balls and didn't remember. Boy to get old.(! @&*$), Anyway we had a good laugh and things happen for a reason ...now I'm working on it again. HA!

As you can see I have 1/2 of the page 2 finished on the JD album of stitches I picked it back up after I did a few Ornaments.

This is one of the ornies. I can't show the other one yet.

Well folks I wish all of my readers the best of the season and stay safe and warm.
MERRY CHRISTMAS, from our house to yours.
Stitch with happy fingers ,